What is the InBody machine? How do I use it? Why should I use it? Do I need to use it? How accurate it is? I don’t want to get caught up on all the numbers…etc etc. These are often a series of questions we receive - generally from newer members - regarding the InBody machine. Below we have given a brief overview of how it works, and how it can be beneficial to you but is not compulsory.

DEFINE, What is the InBody?

InBody is a device used to measure body composition. It works using a method called Bio-electrical Impedance Analysis (BIA), which divides your weight into different components such as lean body mass and fat mass to assess health and nutrition.

Body composition is a method of describing what the body is made of. It includes fat, protein, minerals and body water. It also describes weight more accurately than BMI. Body composition analysis can accurately show changes in fat mass, muscle mass, and body fat percentage.

When you’re thinking of losing weight or simply want to see how healthy you are, you probably do one of two things: step on a scale or calculate your BMI. But the truth is, these methods don’t tell you anything about how healthy you are– all weight and BMI does is compare how heavy you are to a standard that doesn’t fit your individual goals. When you’re trying to get healthier, you’re most likely going to lose fat and (hopefully) gain muscle. But BMI and weight don’t differentiate between muscle and fat. So how can you? Through body composition analysis.

HOW IT WORKS, What’s the science?

To best illustrate how the device works, imagine the flow of cars in traffic. Your car is the voltage source or current, and the motorway you’re on is body water. If there were no other cars, you could zoom past the motorway, just as if the human body were full of body water and nothing else, there would be no resistance.

However, water is not the only element in the human body, just like you’re not the only car on the road. As more cars get onto the motorway, the longer it takes for you to get through the path, creating resistance. Other elements such as fat, muscle, bone, and minerals create resistance to the electrical current that is going through your body. In BIA, the more water that is in your body, the lesser the resistance. The muscle in your body contains water, unlike fat, so the more muscle you have, the more body water. And the more body water you have, the lesser the resistance to the electrical current

Because of its technology, InBody has become one of the most accurate BIA devices on the market and has been found to have a high correlation of 0.99 to DEXA for lean body mass in a population of adults.


What’s the procedure?

Sounds like it could take a while… Not at all - done and dusted in 15 seconds (once you've typed in your ID number of course). Take your shoes and socks off and any “extra” items of clothing you don’t need and then:

Step 1 - Wipe your hands and feet with a moist tissue. The tissue will help enhance current conductivity.

Step 2 - Step on the InBody to measure your weight. Make sure to align your feet with the foot electrodes.

Step 3 - When prompted, enter your personal profile. The profile will allow you to track your progress. Confirm your personal profile then press enter to begin testing.

Step 4 - Grab the handles and place your thumbs on the oval electrodes.

Step 5 - Keep your arms straight and away from your body. Stay relaxed and still until the test is completed. Your InBody results will print automatically once the test is completed.So you just took an InBody Test.


Is it useful?

Body composition analysis is a method of describing what the body is made of, differentiating between fat, protein, minerals, and body water to give you a snapshot of your health. InBody is in the business of body composition analysis, and they’re here to teach you the importance of it in today’s day and age to help you reach your health goals from the inside out.

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a common method used to assess the health of an individual by comparing the amount of weight they carry to the height of the individual. In its most basic sense, BMI may be useful for identifying those who are at increased health risk as a result of excess fat accumulation. According to BMI, two individuals of the same height and weight will always have the same obesity risk, regardless of the amount of fat or muscle that an individual maintains.

DATA - What am I looking at?

As you move away from BMI, you should focus on the percentage of body fat you have at your weight. There is no consensus on what the best body fat level for health (the amount of fat storage that maximises health by minimising risk for adverse health states/conditions) is for the general population. The normal body fat range provided by InBody is set at 10-20% for males (15% as ideal) and 18-28% for females (23% as ideal).


How could it help?

If you don’t want to know your results then there is absolutely no obligation to step onto the machine. It can be used as a great tool to view progression or to hold you accountable to your goals however body composition analysis is just one of many ways to measure success within your training so it is important that we find the right method for you.

Start your 30-day trial and see how these benefits could help you!




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