What is the sweatit way?

What is it?

SweatIT is a training facility like no other. It is a hybrid model between group exercise and personal training.

What makes it especially unique is that every session is lead by a professional coach; this means that each member will get support and guidance throughout their training. Small-Group Personal Training has no more than 6 people per group; the programme is designed to target multiple areas of the body to ensure maximum efficiency in each workout.

Why join?

There are no specific requirements to become a member, we don't ask for any prerequisites as we tailor our sessions to each individual. Complete beginners get a comprehensive introduction to participating fundamental movements to increase strength, stability, mobility, and endurance.

Why are these important?

  • strength - To be able to carry out everyday tasks, such as lifting, pulling, pushing. This doesn't just apply to muscular strength but also bone and organ health as well, avoiding health risks such as heart disease and osteoporosis.

  • stability - balance is a necessary action. To prevent accidents or injuries, muscles and connective tissues need to be responsive to unforeseen circumstances.

  • mobility - the body should be exposed to its full range of motion. Joints can become restrictive due to tightness in certain areas from being overused or being sedentary, causing discomfort/pain and inability to carry out daily tasks.

  • endurance - in order for us to get the most out of each day, we need to sustain energy levels and efficient functional body systems.

Is it right for you long term?

All four priorities mentioned above are the vital ingredients in sustaining a happy, healthy lifestyle, however, what happens when you've got a good basis for all of these?

That's where it gets really exciting - the goalposts always move and there's no limit on how far you can reach.

Our industry-leading & expert coaches can provide you with a personalised approach to ensure you are progressing towards your desired goals. The coaches provide an objective perspective, all things that a mirror or iPhone cannot; whether that be identifying form faults, conducting strategy, or constructing a plan to ensure appropriate progressive overload.

Sweat-IT vs Online-Only Coaching

Direction is necessary for any accomplishment. Instant access to online programming is available for anyone but why is it so unsuccessful?

  1. It's not personal: as much as it is 'tailored to you, the coach who wrote it cannot provide a screening to assess your capabilities/restrictions.

  2. It's not flexible: you're sick, lacking energy, injured or on holiday - it doesn't take these into consideration or advice on returning.

  3. It can seem repetitive: the exercises can seem regimented & boring.

  4. Easy to avoid: you have the opportunity to pick and choose on the day, maybe avoiding the exercises that are beneficial but are not accessible or 'easy' to perform.

  5. No progression: you might be your own worse enemy. If the programme isn't specific or a little too focused on numbers, you might see a decline in results and motivation.

  6. You are reliant on self-motivation.

You might have experienced some of these issues and one or more of these could have presented as a barrier to your continued participation and/or progression. Having a coach eliminates all of these problems. If you are ready to see continued results, rebuild yourself, or take action to level up your fitness then we are the place for you.

Want to know more about our coaching style? Check out our Reasons for why we’re needed as coaches HERE


Join The Training Club and gain confidence while improving strength within our outstanding community.

Join The Academy to become a Personal Trainer and kickstart a rewarding career within fitness.


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