Have gyms failed you BEFORE?

Freedom Fads

Leisure's Lack of Care

Pure Procrastination

Anytime At No Time

Put your hand up if you've been here - experienced all things 'gym' and got nowhere. Don't get us wrong, these places serve a purpose and can offer a facility people want and need. But we also know that for many, it's just not enough.

What do we mean by that?

You pay £40 every month and receive:

  • 0 direction

  • 0 community

  • 0 support

  • 0 accountability

Unfortunately, many fall into the category of thinking a gym is not for them. They've never been any good at exercise or not been able to see any lasting results due to inconsistencies. This simply isn't true. You just haven't found a method that suits you. We do things differently.

SweatIT is a lifestyle. Can you really put a price on?

  • Improved mood

  • Mental health

  • Confidence

  • Belonging

  • Sense of self

  • Achievement

Okay, there is a cost but let's look at it from a different angle; a personal trainer & potentially a gym membership is going to cost you £50+ a session. You want to be exercising three times per week, which accumulates to around £150 per week, which totals to £600 per month (at least).

Now you might think, why would I get a personal trainer?

Multiple reasons - it's not just celebs who are looking to shape up for their next feature, the benefits of having a trainer/coach are far beyond purely aesthetics.

1. To learn & execute

How many times have you walked into a gym and jumped on the treadmill for half hour, wandered around aimlessly, pulling a few handles on a machine and leaving completely dissatisfied? You're not alone. We operate with mostly free weights and a range of cardio equipment to load functional movement patterns that are all coached by a professional.

2. Injury Prehab

As much as we can help with injuries, we would much rather act as a preventative than a cure. We do this by delivering an appropriate training dose and provide you will all the tools to move with quality and efficiency.

3. Accountability

With a busy schedule, it can be hard to motivate yourself to even get to a gym, let alone come up with an exercise plan or even follow one. You might pick a choose the 'easy' ones and skip the not-so-sexy moves to get out the door quicker. Our sessions are time-efficient and they always incorporate all-body movements so you'll never skip leg-day! We will keep you honest during your session and help you reach your full potential to help you to your goals.

Take control of your health and happiness.

Invest in your future.

Now’s the time to make a change.

Join our CLUB with your 30-day trial HERE


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